
NetWork Details #

DECA utilizes decentralized identity identification (DID) and verifiable claim (identity credential), supports key PKI functions, utilizes the immutable feature of offline storage (IPFS), effectively prevents third-party attacks, utilizes IPFS-CRDT synchronization strategy, enhances Concealed sharing, fast synchronization, and the use of blockchain to synchronize a small amount of basic information, greatly reducing the cost of consensus.


1.Apply for user identity DID: combine user certificate, verification method and other information according to the user’s basic identification.

2.Store user identity information: Organize user identity-related information into Docs for offline storage to obtain the storage address docAddr, and use CRDT for consistent synchronization.

3.Registered user identity DID: Store user identity-related information to obtain the storage address docAddr and content hash docHash, and send a registration request like a blockchain.

4.Resolve user identity DID: The information of user DID is synchronized on the blockchain and the offline storage network, so user DID resolution can be initiated to any DECA. The client initiates a parsing request to any DECA, obtains the relevant information of the identity (including the storage address and content hash), obtains the actual user Doc through the storage address, and performs hash verification. If it passes, it proves that the Doc is credible .